Knoxville, TN: Dec 27-28, 2024
Location/Fields: Emerald's Sansom Sports Complex!
Sansom Sports Complex
234 Dale Ave NW, Knoxville, TN 37921
What's included
TBK Winter Camp dry fit shirt and a pair of TBK keeper gloves!
Pack your kid a Lunch! and Snack!
9+ (must be 9 by start of camp)
Camp Store
-NEW Winter TBK Hoodies, $40
-2023 Winter TBK Navy Hoodie $35
-TBK Grey or Light Blue Hoodies, $35
-Soccer balls size 5, $15
-Soccer balls size 2, $10
-Soccer balls size 1, $10
-Beanie Caps, $15
-Ball Caps, $20
-Extra gloves, $40
To Register and Pay
Fill In the JotForm below to register.
You will get a confirmation email.
Pay for camp via the PayPal link below or by check (mail in or bring to start of camp)
Select the link to Jotform below and fill out the camp registration information and medical form.

Mail checks to:
**Please write your camper's name & camp date in the memo line.
PO Box 1907
Knoxville, TN 37901